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[Symfony\Component\Debug\Exception\FatalThrowableError] E_RECOVERABLE_ERROR
Type error: Return value of Terem\Components\CatalogFilter::getSection() must be an instance of Terem\AppBundle\Model\ProductSection, boolean returned (0)
#0: Terem\Components\CatalogFilter->getSection()
#1: include(string)
#2: CBitrixComponentTemplate->__IncludePHPTemplate(array, array, string)
#3: CBitrixComponentTemplate->IncludeTemplate(array)
#4: CBitrixComponent->showComponentTemplate()
#5: CBitrixComponent->includeComponentTemplate(string)
#6: Terem\AppBundle\Bitrix\BitrixComponent->executeComponent()
#7: CBitrixComponent->includeComponent(string, array, boolean)
#8: CAllMain->IncludeComponent(string, string, array, boolean, array)
#9: include_once(string)
#10: include_once(string)